
Guides, Templates and Checklists to help increase profit and cash flow in your beer distribution business

80/20 Analysis is nothing new. Everyone knows it’s a powerful tool to identify inefficiencies in your business so that you can make improvements. However, chances are you aren’t using 80/20 on a regular basis. Do your income statement a favor and download this 80-20 Analysis Template. Results are guaranteed – the 80/20 rule will hold true in your business. It’s up to you to identify the problems using 80/20, then put in a solution so that you can increase profits and put more cash in the bank.  Cha-ching. Thank you Vilfredo Pareto!

The most important thing is remembering the most important thing. Learn how to set up a daily snapshot of your most important numbers, so you won’t forget.  Get the guide here: How to Build Your Daily Numbers.  Your income statement will thank you.

SKU Proliferation got you down? Fear not, the SKU guide can help you regain control over your inventory. Learn the Big Three of Portfolio management with The SKU Guide.

Business data is business knowledge. Are you doing enough to keep your data clean and fresh?  Safeguard your business knowledge with the Data Management Checklist. It will only take you a few minutes to save a few decades worth of business intel. No pressure.

Learn to measure and improve business value with this short guide – How to Increase Business Value.  Cash flow and profit are for today, but business value is forever. Take five minutes and learn how to protect forever.

To grow in the beer industry you need to borrow money. Get a grip on the money you’ve already borrowed by using the BBF Loan Summary Template.  Do you know the financing details of your current debt – amounts, interest rates, payment terms and covenants? Use the template, get the answers.

Financing can be confusing with so many odd ball terms like amortization schedules, loan-to-value ratios, and financial covenants.  Learn the basic financing terms, in plain language with this one-pager BBF Financing Basics. Knowledge is power. Get some power over your debt.

Business Books

Below are my favorite business books of all time. When I first found each of these books, I would carry them around with me all the time, like a little kid with a new toy truck. They’re that good. Each book has information that can help you improve your business – happy reading!

Cash Rules: Learn and Manage the 7-Cash Flow Drivers for your Company’s Success. Any book about cash flow is good, but this one is especially exciting. Pick up a copy, you won’t be disappointed.

The Great Game of Business, by Jack Stack. A true business classic. If you haven’t read it, do yourself a favor and check it out. I met the author several years ago – he’s a smart guy, and he loves beer!



The 80/20 Principle, by Richard Koch. Few books have given me such pleasure to read and provided as much great information. Savor this book as you would a medium-rare filet mignon. Every bite, every word, is delicious.



Double Your Profits, In 6 Months or Less, by Bob Fifer. If you’re lost about where to begin looking for ways to improve profitability in your distribution business, this book can help. Simple, straight-forward tips and techniques to improve the bottom line.


Open-Book Management, by John Case. No book on my bookshelf has more underlines and dog-eared pages than this one. If you want to learn how to start a financial revolution in your company, look no further than this guide.


The E-Myth, by Michael E. Gerber. 80%+ of businesses fail within five years. This book explains why it happens, and how to avoid it. If you’re starting a new venture, or trying to shore up your existing wholesaler, this book has answers.


ReWork by Jason Fried is a fun read. Short, crisp chapters for short, crisp attention spans. I read the whole thing on a two hour plane ride. Topics range from how to curate your product portfolio to building a loyal customer following. Well worth the read on your next flight.